
National Friendly Financial Solutions is committed to making our website accessible for all. We aim to design and build to best practice standards to allow equal access to all.

Navigating this document

To navigate through this site, please use the menu that runs across the top of the page. Your screen reader should read the menu to you and provide access to the tools on this page.

Page titles

Each page has its own unique title and description that explains the content


Headings are relevant and provided in a logical order so that you can use them to get an overview of the page.

Font sizes

You can use your browser to change this document’s preferred font size:

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A quicker way to increase the text size is to hold Ctrl (Cmd in Mac OS X) and scroll down with your mouse.



Magnifying your screen

If increasing text size does not work for you, another option is to magnify your screen using a magnification tool. All recent versions of operating systems include such tool although you may prefer to use separate magnifcation software.


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